Thursday 16 September 2010


Nothing like leaving things to the last minute!  Here's a very quick illustration for this week's Illustration Friday theme.  The theme this week was Proverb so I went for 'barking up the wrong tree'. 

Tuesday 7 September 2010

If you go down to the woods today........

.......beware the exploding debris!  At the weekend I went for a walk with my sister to Friday Woods in Colchester, being a Garrison town we're not short of soldiers and they often use Friday Woods for training.  I remember going there as a kid and regularly coming across bullet shells on the ground, my brother had a few that he collected after a trip there. 

There doesn't seem to be as much of a military presence in Colchester as there was years ago, maybe I just don't get out as much and don't notice, but even a lot of the military estates have now been turned into new housing estates.  And we're not short of those either. 

Thankfully on our walk we didn't notice any military debris, not even one bullet shell.  We're going swimming tonight so that shouldn't be as risky, but I will keep an eye out for that random plaster you used to get floating in the pool, the one with the hair on!


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