Saturday 23 January 2010

IF: Clumsy!

Another illustration for Illustration Friday, this time the subject was Clumsy.  I immediately thought of dropping things and I was reminded of an incident years ago on a walk home from school. 

It was around Easter time, and my Mum was meeting us after school to walk us home.  My sister had been at playschool and all the children had been making little card and paper baskets, stuffed with cotton wool, and they were all given a Creme Egg to go in their basket.  My sister came out all pleased and happy with her Creme Egg nestled safely in her basket. 

Whilst walking down the road, my sister trod on something squishy - a Creme Egg - how unfortunate we thought, someone must have dropped their egg on the way home and now my sister had stomped on it.  That is until she checked her basket and there was no Creme Egg!  Once it dawned on her what had happened, she looked a bit like the girl in my picture.......just before she burst into tears!  

Thursday 21 January 2010

IF: Wilderness

I've been absent from the blogging world for a couple of months, what with the break for Christmas and New Year.  I've just found it hard to get motivated again.  I'm gradually getting into the swing of things though.

I've been wanting to get back into doing more drawing and I'm going to be doing an Illustration course soon - very exciting (for me at least!).  So to get some practice in I'm going to start contributing to Illustration Friday, each week is a different subject and the latest is Wilderness.  So this is what I came up with, it's just a quick illustration using pencil, as today is the last day to post pictures on this subject.  Poor Squirrel Nutkins, he's found some tasty acorns but hasn't seen what's waiting at the end of the trail!!


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