Thursday 29 July 2010

Birthday Cards for Girls

Here's a few card designs I've been working on, mostly inspired by my niece, Millie, who just turned two the other day.  The card I made for her turned out to be quite apt, she tends to carry her dolls under her arm like in my illustration, except it tends to look more like she's got them in a head lock when she carries them!

I thought I'd use the same character done up as a fairy for the next design.

And sticking with the fairy theme came up with this.....

And here's one I did a while back but had forgotten all about it.

I've not been making many cards lately, had other things going on and me and my husband have been busy making cakes, and we've got quite a few cake orders for August too so that will keep us busy.  No doubt I'll end up doing a few cake related posts during August, one of the cakes we have to do is a Rubik's cube, I'm hoping it will be fairly straight forward......I'll let you know how it goes! 


Rebekah Leigh said...

Hi Jessica, thanks for your message. I really like your big 'happy birthday' with the fairies image, I've been trying my hand at card designs but it's harder than it seems..I'll keep trying! You make cakes too? My grandma used to be a professional cake designer, it must be a great thing to do. Some of the designs you can get are crazy!

Jessica said...

Hi Rebekah, thanks for stopping by!

I know what you mean about the card designing, sometimes it takes a lot of effort and other times it'll just happen, keep trying though.

That's interesting about your grandma, it's my husband that likes to bake, I take care of the decoration and design, so we make quite a good team. So far it's mostly friends family and work colleagues that have been ordering cakes, so we're getting lots of practice in. There are some amazing cake creations out there, we've only scratched the surface of what you can do with cake, but it's early days yet.

Rebekah Leigh said...

It does sound like you've got a great design team going on! Good luck with it all! At a recent wedding I went to they had flower flavored cakes that were super yum, lavender, rose etc.It may be quite common within the cake world but I hadn't tried that before!


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