Friday 16 October 2009

Bad blogger!

I've not been a very good blogger, it's been just over two weeks since my last blog!  Thing is I've been keeping myself very busy with card making.  I've been very productive and made nearly 60 cards!  Some are duplicates of the same design but it all counts, I've even managed to make some promotional magnets and experimented with making my own note pads.

my promotional magnet which is free with every purchase

I'll be adding all my new creations to my Etsy shop over the next week or so, and I hope to have my website up and running soon, I've been working on that too.  And I'm very pleased to hear that I've sold some cards in the shop in town (only four so far, but it's a start and that was after 2 weeks). 

I've certainly been getting through some ink, my printer's never worked so hard!  I'll update soon with some pictures of what I've been making.....


Joy De Vivre Design said...

Very cute magnets! Best of luck with your shop. Four is a good start and here's to many more!

Almost Precious said...

Well sometimes the blog has to take a back seat to more important things (happens to all of us). Your cards are adorable and congratulations on getting sales, hope it's the start of something really big ! =)

Shore Debris said...

Productivity is a great excus for not blogging! When I take a break, I'm not accomplishing anything else!

BeckyKay said...

Oh, I love him! Your designs are adorable!


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