Sunday 2 August 2009

It's the weekend!

How's everyone's weekend going? As usual it's going quick, time certainly flies when you're not at work!

I've been doing a bit of card shop research (I want to get my cards into shops) and there's a local shop in town (Colchester) that I'm going to sell some in, yay! It's an unusual set up, as I just rent a shelf. The shop sells all sorts of handmade goodies from local artists and they just rent space, so anything that sells, the profits go straight to the artist. It's worth a try, I just need to pick a good selection of my cards and drop them off.

I saw a film yesterday called Cadillac Records, here's what it's about:

"Cadillac Records" chronicles the rise of Leonard Chess'(Adrien Brody) Chess Records and its recording artists including Muddy Waters (Jeffrey Wright), Little
Walter (Columbus Short),Chuck Berry (Mos Def), Willie Dixon (Cedric The Entertainer) and the great Etta James (Beyoncé Knowles). In this tale of sex,violence, race and rock and roll in Chicago of the 1950s and 60s,the film
follows the exciting but turbulent lives of some of America's greatest musical legends.

It's not bad, worth a watch if you like this kind of music, I particularly like the Etta James song 'At Last', Beyonce does a good version in the film, as well as some other songs.

I'm off to a BBQ tomorrow round my parents and it's my sister-in-law's birthday, so hopefully the weather will be good, just hope the rain holds off! Have a good Sunday everyone.

1 comment:

Noble Beeyotch said...

Cadillac records sounds fun...ill have to check it out!


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